Zentium International  and Associates Training organisation

Alakh Analda

founded Zentium International, Breathwork Mastery (RBM) in 2000.

She graduated from Breathwork in 1987 and commenced Practitioner training in 1993.

In 2000, Alakh established the Training organisation Zentium International to provide comprehensive and indepth trainings available for the next seven generations for those who want to use the breath to be clear and balanced their lives, and to live intentionally. It is based on the understanding that we all have programmed responses because of our early past circumstances, and we can consciously reprogramme those patterns that are limiting, as long as we know how.

Therefore the mandate for Zentium International is to continue provide relevant and comprehensive training. This means the organisation has grown slowly and steadily, taking the time it needed to integrate all the changes and developments in education, as Australia continues as a respected provider of education recognised in many parts of the world.

About the Founder

alakh analdaAlakh Analda.

Since 1987 my vocation has been facilitating Rebirthing Breathwork firstly from a Sydney base.Besides private practise, I facilitated many hundreds of Groups, Weekends and Six Day Workshops in all parts of Australia in the 90s,
In 1993 the Rebirthing Breathworker Practitioner training commenced. Later I took the courses to national training standards with qualifications in the Vocational educations sector of education (AQF)
From 1998 to 2016 I delivered qualifications up to the level of Advanced Diploma of Rebirthing and Breathwork Trainer and Supervisor which is the qualification I hold. The curriculum for Breathwork Mastery (RBM) endorsement meets and exceeds the International and National Association standards.

© Alakh Analda 1998, 2005, 2011
The International Certification in Breathwork Mastery (ICIBM)
This training went from live to live online in 2020

My background is Yoga Swami India 1977 to 1986 and specifically a Breathwork Mastery Trainer, and the founder and director of Training Organisation, Zentium International, Rebirthing Breathwork Mastery. Born in Australia on 23-1-1950, I trained as a metaphysician in my teenage years.

i was introduced to yoga in 1975 and was initiated into Kriya Yoga, India 1976 where i lived for a further nine years after being initiated as a yoga monk – Swami Alakhmurti (1977 – 1986). This was a time where I gained extensive Yoga training and teaching experience. Living with the master, the teaching was direct, indirect and by direct transmission and this continues. Breathwork is linked more with the yogic traditions of consciousness than the european psychotherapeudic tradition starting with Freud and psychoanalysis who was said to be exposed to the yogic concepts.

Upon my return to Australia from India, I trained as a Rebirther Breathworker graduating 1987. To date Breathwork is my main focus and activity since that time.

Copyright Alakh Analda

  • The International Certification in Breathwork Mastery (ICIBM)
  • ICIBM Practitioner & Facilitator Training
  • ICIBM Group Facilitator Leader and Presenter
  • ICIBM Trainer Training and Supervision copyright

Certification (ICIBM) is also delivered online by the RBM Associate Trainer Eleanor Mann. Eleanor has a schedule for live retreats and live online training and sessions.

Alakh is offering Questions and Answers via email or your choice of secure communication.

Alakh’s courses are accredited 1998 – lots of data and detail

In 1992, clients asked me to instigate Professional Rebirther Breathworker Trainings, which have since been my main activity Australia-wide and overseas.
The Trainings have been recognized by the National Government as accredited Vocational Trainings in the Australian Qualification Framework in the area of professional health care 1998-2016.
The curriculums are now endorsed by the National and International Associations for the strand of breathwork I promote – named “Rebirthing/Breathwork Mastery”.
This strand has its emphasis on using breath for integrated personal/spiritual development with an emphasis on mindful self awareness and self paced clearing on a path of self mastery.

With this style of Breathwork Mastery RBM breathwork ?
Breathing is full – longer than normal, conscious, connected to allow integrated access to the spiritual, mental, physical and emotional aspects of the levels of experience. Deconditioning limited thinking and reprogramming at the level of the cellular memory and central nervous system, is the main emphasis of the style.

The style is set in copyrighted curriculums with myself as author, hence copyright holder and others coming in partnership to deliver the copyright material.


The curriculums for the courses have been accredited three times – Practitioner then Trainer over the years 1998 to 2016 within the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) nationally recognised trainings for wellness and in the curriculum, specifically for personal/spiritual development for Breathwork Mastery Practitioners and Facilitators and Trainers.

The last qualification was Diploma for Practitioner 30948QLD Diploma of Rebirthing and Breathwork Mastery in 2016

However the curriculums have now been retitled as  the International Certification in Breathwork Mastery {RBM) – endorsed to international and national standards.

Professional/industry activities past and present ?
Satyananda Yoga Association
Australian Breathwork Association – ABA
International Breathwork Foundation network (IBF)
Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA)

Professional standards?

In 1996, with a group of colleagues, we established standards

I am a long term member of the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF) and was Australian National Coordinator 2007-2014. As a long term member, I am associated on the IBF network task force as IBF ambassador. Most years I attend and participate and also present workshops at the International Conferences with Breathworkers from 43 countries – see the IBF site

On the yoga side I was long term member of the Satyananda Yoga Teacher’s Association and taught the Yoga teachers training in the Indian Ashram 1984.

My membership in the International standards body is a recognised trainer, Director of Zentium International in the International Breathwork Training Alliance, now the Gobal Professional Breathwork Alliance since its inception.

Day to day?
Until 2020, my days were spent facilitating the Practitioner training courses and workshops – seven day live-in training intensives at Byron Bay, and before that in the early 2000s, delivering regular workshops and trainings in Australian and overseas, by arrangement. I have been delivering specialist skills and Practitioner Training in Breathwork Mastery since 1993 and originated the comprehensive study workbooks for Breathwork Mastery RBM which is a parasympathetic activation style quite different to the hyperventilation style of the 1980s and after.


in the 80s,90s and to 2020

Private clients came to me in Sydney, Gold Coast and Byron Bay over the years and I travelled to many parts of rural and city Australia and overseas.
I have loved facilitating one to one personal breakthrough retreats from Byron Bay until 2020

The International Certification in Breathwork Mastery is streamlined, comprehensive and practical. It is a big time commitment because the participant completes being trained and assessed with their own clients Stage 3 – after having compeleted 36 personal sessions. Stage 1
The theoretical – Stage 2RBM specific skills and knowledge – are through study pdf workbooks,cd and dvd. This was my main activity since 1993.


The Training Organisation is now Zentium International and Associates.

Many Graduates live overseas and we have a large professional body who deliver RBM breathwork sessions and groups in many languages. We also have a professional RBM curriculum Trainer and Supervisor Training

My supporting the Trainer who have come through the training

For me at other times?
Enjoying Byron Bay shire is a big part of my life. Previously I loved to visit lots of the great cities of the world too where the human creative spirit is soooo creatively expressed ! Now its care of the garden !

My passion is supporting the evolution of human consciousness through Breathwork Mastery RBM skills and knowledge and gardening


Zentium International – partners in Australia – lots of history information and data

We were in partnership with the Registered Training Organizations High Motivation Training Academy, 1998 to 2016 and Nature Care College 2000-2007, to deliver accredited courses in Breathwork Mastery. 1998 to 2018, the courses met the requirements of the National training body – Australian Skills Quality Authority, ASQA, at the National standards for Health care. With the addition of National Health Package competencies to the level of Diploma, Rebirthing and Breathwork Mastery was last re-accredited 2011 to 2016, in the Australian Qualification Framework as nationally recognised training.

With all the changes to the vocational training sector, i have now turned my attention to delivering the International Certification in Breathwork Mastery, referring to the standards and guidelines of two long term organisations.
On completion of the International Certification in Breathwork Mastery, graduates may join National and International Associations.

The International organisations?

Global Professional Breathwork Alliance 
Since 1999, the International Breathwork Training Alliance (IBTA), now the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA), has promoted training standards for the ethical practice of dyadic and group breathwork, and has been committed to supporting and promoting the integration of breathwork in the world as a vital, ethical, evidence based professional healing modality that facilitates physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual wellness.

The powerful background to this body is that the standards were made in 1999, from the sythesis of more than twenty long term, successful world-wide trainings, thus establishing a world-wide standard.

Please check the site for the most up to date information

The International Breathwork Foundation (IBF)
is a world-wide network of people from different traditions and professions who are inspired by and interested in the practice of Conscious Breathing and Breathwork. The foundation has guidelines for training in place for over 23 years.

“The purpose of the IBF is to promote a heart-centred approach to Breathwork, its theory and practice, for the expansion of consciousness and for personal and global transformation”

Because of its status as a long term international body of members who have a transparent democracy,  the IBF is in the process of applying for an organisational membership recognition of the United Nations. The voting and changes in policy within IBF are created during the annual Global Inspiration Conference, in daily meetings that any member can attend. These conferences are held in a different country each year and with members leading the workshops and presentations. They are excellent for many reasons and one of them is that participants are exposed to all the types of breathwork available across the globe and to the leaders and practitioners.

I currently have the role on the task force team of IBF ambassador which is in area of support for the executive and other members of the team.




Australia: Eleanor Mann
Available AEDT
Read more about Eleanor

Europe: Laura Gardano, PhD.
Available in CET time
Read more about Laura

America: Naomi Lindsay
Available CST USA Texas
Read more about Naomi

Languages & locations of RBM Graduates
English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Hebrew, Gaelic and Spanish

Some Graduates of Breathwork Mastery are in:
Paris, Germany, Israel, Bali, USA, South America, Ireland/UK, Italy, Australia and a number of them travel worldwide

All can give online sessions in your time zone.

Some of the professional Graduate Practitioners go to the international conferences. This is Austria 2017.

graduates at Austria conference

7 study PDF workbooks – 40 seminars