Welcome to the Breathwork Mastery (RBM) site
Key defining points of information
What is Breathwork?
Pranayama and Breathwork differences ?
Yogic Pranayama, now sometimes called Breathwork is to purposefully calm the mind through conscious breathing.
Withdrawing the senses towards meditation which is focused focus on one thing.
Facilitated by a trained yoga teacher
Breathwork Mastery RBM session is an inner process where the eyes close and open again after approximately 90 minutes. The focus is on awareness of body sensations movement for self generated discharges of constrictions in the system
Facilitated by a Certified Breathwork Mastery RBM Professional who has completed more than 540 hours Training
Breath awareness
is a time spent conscious breathing and requires no certification
Two styles of Breathwork – both are conscious breathing.
Sympathetic activation through stronger and faster than normal conscious breathing winds up the system and brings cramping, spasms and emotional type releases – yet maybe not resolution.
Beyond our comfort zone
Parasympathetic activation applied in Breathwork Mastery ( RBM ) is longer than normal conscious breathing which unwinds constrictions as body sensations changes.
The approach can be said to go into your comfort zone
Breathwork Mastery RBM is s a path of self generated authentic Mastery – meaning authentic and embodied ease.
The total time frame of a RBM breath session is approx tw with more time needed for set up and follow up.
Breath cycle key points
RBM specific breath techniques of 7 steps
1. Conscious breath
2. Full breath, using the navel and below, the chest and the upper chest and above – from breathing longer than normal and slower
3. Connected breath, no pauses – from being longer than normal and slower
4. Relaxed or subtle breath – longer than normal and slower
5. Inhale and exhale from the nose until or unless it blocks
6. Breath remains linked to body sensation awareness and attention to variations in breath, body and consciousness
7. Awareness on if it is hard or easy to breathe
RBM specific skills and knowledge –
Nine defining points of Rebirthing/Breathwork Mastery (RBM) as a strand of Breathwork
1. Emphasis on body sensation awareness as well as conscious breath all through the breath session – it is a body/breath process.
2. Emphasis on self-mastery – individuals are self-generating their personal development process and are self-regulating organisms – RBM is a creative tool.
3. Awareness on process – when an individual is safe enough, supported enough, and ready enough, he or she will discharge unresolved past events – allow time and awareness in the process.
4. Application of well-chosen intention setting within the process – relate all the content of the breath cycle of the session to the intention in an integrative debrief.
5. Use of breath that allows a physical, mental, feeling or spiritual, transformational experience – start with conscious, longer than normal breathing, so it is connected and full, in and out the nose until or unless the nose closes. Stay with the feeling it is hard to breathe or easy.
6. Allow the breath session to unfold with minimum intervention – use the debrief afterwards to integrate all the wisdom, inspiration or clearing that emerges during the breath cycle
7. Be present to, name and identify exactly what is happening on each level of the breath session, without adding any interpretation – gently amplify whatever emerges to create the environment for discharge of constrictions on all levels.
8. Awareness of safety – a breather can only regress to something that he or she has already lived through – any past event which is surfacing from conscious breath is because of intention – the inner experience is invited to surface and any intense symptoms are immediately affected by a change in intention.
9. Agenda free focus for facilitation with an emphasis on expanding self-awareness, and self mastery for the participant and the facilitator .
code for Certified RBM Practitioner defining
* Absolutely minimum intervention
* Agenda free
* Holding high positive regard for “client generated” body-breath process after intention setting
* High listening-oriented facilitating with relevant questioning only from client signals
* Main role is professional support for highly motivating client intentions at the beginning of the session – with feedback from professional knowledge – only at the very end – if appropriate.
RBM Intentions setting techniques
Intentions are the state of being you intend to have from your personal goals. It’s what you have in your heart and mind.
Goal is specific and measurable.”
High recommendation
For big picture life enduring intentions ?
– like ? “be true to myself”
“Step by integrated step”
About The Trainer-Alakh Analda
Alakh Analda, Trainer
Advanced Diploma of Breathwork Mastery trainer and supervisor in AQF
Professional practitioner since 1987,
Trainer of Breathwork Mastery RBM professionals since 1993
Certificate IV in Workplace Trainer training, TAE
Certified Yoga teacher 1979 (India)
now online
author and copyright owner of the Breathwork Mastery RBM curriculum for Practitioner
and Group Facilitator as well as Breathwork Mastery Trainer Training
Director of Training Zentium International Training Organisation
She has trained Practitioners since 1993 and been a Breathworker since 1987.
The trainings were accredited until 2016 and now they have become the International Certification in Breathwork Mastery for Practitioner, and Breathwork Mastery Trainer and Supervisor and previously the qualifications in the Australian Qualification framework for Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma for Breathwork Mastery Trainer and Supervisor