Self Awareness and Breathwork Mastery
2 seminars
book for self study
Relationship with self – own breath and patterns
Author & originator © Alakh Analda, 1998, 2005, 2011, 2021
Self study book One:
Self Awareness and Breathwork Mastery
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Relationship with self – own breath and patterns
What is the value of self awareness, mindfulness, and its ramifications?
This study unit reveals how conscious breathing expands self awareness, which in this current time in our human evolution, is mainly through profound, authentic relaxation.
Self awareness, mindfulness, determines personal and spiritual development.
Conscious breathing frees the reactive charge that keeps limiting patterns and irrational states of mind and emotion in place – originally locked in the body electromagnetically.
With the discharge through profound relaxation or release, individuals become freer to choose and act instead of react to events and circumstances.
The self generated process is a step by integrated step process with the Parasympathetic breathing approach of Breathwork Mastery RBM
The RBM Practitioner is a support professional who provides a highly allowing role for the client – an agenda free space.
Other Practitioners of Breathwork may offer therapeutic breath styles.
Expanding self awareness reveals the self generated process of opening to complete unresolved past events, known and unknown, through full, conscious connected breathing.
When trauma is understood as subconsously repeated from a threat to the body when it was small and helpless in the past it becomes a lead to authentic self paced trauma release.
Breathwork Mastery is a path is to self mastery.
Two personal and spiritual development tools, intention setting and conscious breath (as distinct from the automatic breath) are studied as keys from surviving life to living it!
Are we our body, mind or spirit?
This depends on our self awareness, our mindfulness.
Can we live life intentionally, creating our future, instead of projecting our past into the future?
1. Distinctions of mindful self awareness
2. Power of conscious breathing and intention setting
International Certification in Breathwork Mastery ICIBM
Breathwork Mastery RBM Full training programme
Practitioner & Facilitator, Group leader & Presenter, Trainer & Supervisor of Practitioner & Facilitator, Trainer of Trainers & Supervisors
- The study material is
- for personal metaphysical interest of universal laws,
- for self personal study,
- not to be repackaged or resold.
Copyright material Alakh Analda, 1998, 2005, 2011, 2021
Author Alakh Analda was born in 1950 to a metaphysical minded family.
She lived as a yoga monk in India 1977- 1986
And became a Breathworker on her return to Australia in 1986. Since then she has been in the different system of full conscious connected Breathwork which is a parallel but completely different system to yogic pranayama. Alakh has been Training Breathwork Mastery Practitioners since 1993.
Alakh is uniquely qualified to be an authority on Breathwork – all types.
7 Study Workbooks
1 • Breathwork and Mindful Self Awareness • 2 seminars
2 • Power of Breathwork • 4 seminars
3 • Breathwork and Conscious Relating • 6 seminars
4 • Chakra Consciousness and Breathwork psychology • 6 seminars
5 • Levels of Breathwork Experience • 8 seminars
6 • Esoteric Mysteries and Breathwork • 8 seminars
7 • Metaphysics and Safety in a Breathwork Practice • 6 seminars